‘New Leadership’

Polish Prison Staff Feedback

What in particular did you find to be relevant to your life right now?

bullet-arrow How to conquer stress.
bullet-arrow The ideas of honesty and dignity.
bullet-arrow Developing an optimistic vision of the future for self and work, one of creative leadership.
bullet-arrow Developing faith in my self.
bullet-arrow The skill of how to access the power of awareness.
bullet-arrow How to access/reveal my own dignity and the meaning of self worth.
bullet-arrow How to access my inner peace and hold onto my true self in difficult work situations.

Is there anything we need to change / improve?


bullet-arrow More time for discussion within the group.
bullet-arrow Language barrier.
bullet-arrow Would like more detail to a deeper level of the personal powers.
bullet-arrow More about relaxation techniques.
bullet-arrow Too much very valuable information in too short a time.
bullet-arrow Not enough time for assimilation – two days was too short for the exploration of the ideas.

Any other comments on the seminar/retreat?


bullet-arrow Very practical techniques.
bullet-arrow I liked the peace and the atmosphere in which the seminar was conducted.
bullet-arrow Very great thanks for a wonderful seminar. Super!
bullet-arrow Let’s have more.
bullet-arrow I experienced inner silence.
More time for discussion within the group.